We process the data:

As an employer, on matters regarding the personnel,

As a provider of services and goods, to serve our patients and the public in general.

As obliged in order to comply with any requirement of the legal framework within which we operate

.Your rights under European and Greek law are:

The right to be informed

There must be a clear reason why Euronephros S.A. must collect or use your personal data. This is why you have the right to obtain information relevant to your personal data, including: how we are going to process them and where they will be stored at any one time, in accordance with the applicable law and at no charge. A summary of this information will usually be provided to you during the collection of your personal data, but in any case you will also be able to obtain detailed information from our website.

The right of access

Data protection law grants you the right to request to view and receive a copy of any personal data we keep in relation to you. However, in order to respond to your request, we may need additional information (e.g. to identify the data subject and to ensure that personal data are not being sent to the wrong person). Whenever possible, you will be able to access the information we have by logging into an account. We will make sure that we will respond to any request within a month, unless for impartial reasons we may need more time, in which case we will let you know. You are kindly requested to refer to our website in the appropriate section to select the proper form.

The Right to rectification

You may request that we correct - update your personal data if they are inaccurate or incomplete. If we have transferred the personal data to others, we will take action to notify them so that they themselves proceed with the necessary corrective actions. If we discover that the information does not need to be changed, we will contact you within one month to give reasons for our decision.

The right to erasure

We strive to ensure that the personal data we receive are not retained and processed for longer than necessary. However, since you have the right to request the erasure of your personal data, Euronephros S.A. will delete them immediately. This will happen particularly in the following situations:

  • They are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected originally.
  • You have initially consented to the collection and processing, but then changed your mind.
  • We have stated that we will use them to serve our "legal interests", which have now ceased and there is no reason to keep your data.
  • Processing happens in the context of marketing and promotional activities and you state to us that you do not wish to receive relevant information.
  • You have valid reason to believe that we have used your data illegally.
  • You have well-documented an opinion that we are legally required to stop processing and cease having your data.
  • The data refers to a minor for whom it is not possible by law to process them.

However, in some cases where existing legal obligations (e.g. tax) require mandatory retention of the personal data, erasure may be prohibited. In these cases, we will provide you with a reason why we cannot delete your personal data and for how long. In addition, we may refuse to delete your personal data if the request is unfounded or excessive.

If we have transferred the personal data to others, we will take action to notify them so that they themselves proceed with the necessary corrective actions.

We will make sure that we will respond to any request within a month, unless for impartial reasons we may need more time, in which case we will let you know. You are kindly requested to refer to our website in the appropriate section to select the proper form https://www.euronephros.gr/en/contact-us?layout=default .Nonetheless, if we have valid objections, we will give you reasons for our decision.

Kindly consider that in case we comply with a request, we may still be obliged to hold some information, for example, that you made the request and that we responded. In addition, we may need to keep some personal data e.g. contact details in a record so that we do not communicate for advertising purposes in the future.

The right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request restriction of processing of your personal data by Euronephros S.A. and the company will proceed with an immediate limitation of the processing, at least until we handle your request, to limit, correct or stop processing the data. In case this is not possible, we will explain why we cannot restrict their processing.

The Right to data portability

For personal data for whose processing we use computer systems, either by contract or with your consent, you have the right to request that we give you the relevant data in one of the widely used forms of reading.

The right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of the personal data which we do:

  • for fulfilling a task which has been entrusted to us and is performed in the public interest.
  • because the processing is necessary for the purposes of legal interests.
  • for advertising / marketing purposes
  • for scientific or historical research and statistics.

We will not be able to grant your request if:

  • there is an imperative and legitimate reason that prevails.
  • for the foundation, exercise or support of legal claims.

We will contact you within one month to give reason for our decision

Rights related to automated decision making including profiling

As a controller Euronephros S.A. has the right to leverage technology in order to make decisions that have a significant impact on the data subject in very specific cases and under certain conditions. In particular, we may leverage technology for automated decision making and profiling when:

  • It is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between the Company and you.
  • It is based on explicit consent.
  • It is permitted by European or Greek law.

In any case, this technology will have been made while taking appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of the data subject, by providing appropriate information, that is, which personal data we use, for what purpose and with what consequences. You may ask us to reconsider the decision to include human involvement.

How to exercise your rights.

Once you are informed by our website, you may find the proper forms in the appropriate section to gain access to the data which are relevant to you at https://www.euronephros.gr/prostasia-dedomenon-kai-aporritou

To exercise any of your rights you can:

Fill in the contact form on the website in order to help you make any request you have regarding the collection and processing of Personal Data by Euronephros A.E. https://www.euronephros.gr/en/contact-us .

Contact any department of Euronephros S.A. which you consider responsible. Information about the infrastructure of the Company and contact details you may find here:

Alternatively send an email to the Data Protection Officer of Euronephros S.A. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In any case, you may also wish to contact the Data Protection Authority – DPA, Postal Address: 1-3 Kifissias Ave. 115 23, Athens, Call Center: + 30-210 6475600, Fax: + 30-210 6475628, www.dpa.gr
