Phosphorus uptake is usually limited or closely monitored for dialysis patients because the kidneys are unable to excrete it properly, leading to its accumulation in the blood.
As phosphorus increases in the blood, calcium decreases and this results in the health of the bones, which weaken and are at greater risk of fractures and pain.
In addition, this excess phosphorus affects the vessels, heart, skin, and muscles.
Which foods contain the highest amount of phosphorus?
- Dairy products: Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich sources of phosphorus.
- Meat and poultry: Beef, lamb, chicken are high in phosphorus, especially when consumed in large portions.
- Fish: Some types of fish such as sole, mackerel, trout, salmon and are also rich sources of phosphorus.
- Legumes, whole grains, processed foods and soft drinks should be avoided or replaced by alternatives with a lower phosphorus content.
We recommend that you check food labels before consuming and look for the word 'phosphate', which indicates that there is phosphorus in various forms. In this case, you should avoid consumption.