If not properly controlled, it is possible that too much fluid can accumulate in the body, leading to symptoms such as shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and pulmonary edema (water in the lungs), which can be life-threatening.
How can I determine the right amount of water to drink each day?
It is very important to listen to your body and adjust your fluid intake based on your individual needs and circumstances. The amount of water you need to drink is influenced by the amount of urine you produce. Urine production is one of the body's mechanisms for regulating fluid balance, and changes in urine volume may indicate changes in hydration status. Therefore, monitoring your urine output helps you determine your fluid needs.
Which foods are rich in liquids?
Food and beverages in liquid form are high in liquids.
Typical examples are:
- Water and ice cubes
- Coffee
- Tea and chamomile
- Juices
- Ice cream
- Soups
- Some fruits
What can I do to limit my fluid consumption?
- Avoid foods containing salt to quench your thirst
- Eat specific fruits and frozen foods
- Drink water from smaller glasses
- Find alternative ways to cool your mouth when you're thirsty
- Chew a sugar-free candy or gum
- Stay cool during the warmer months with a spray fan and appropriate clothing.
- Record the amount of water you drink each time